Event marketing describes the process of developing a themed exhibit, display, or presentation to promote a product, service, cause, or organization leveraging in-person engagement. Events can occur online or offline and саn be participated in, hosted, or sponsored. The promotion of these activities саn occur through various social media and new technology platforms

Why Choose CMJ Entertainment in Toronto For Your Event Marketing?

If you are in Toronto and you want to make use of event marketing to build relationships and generate goodwill and build the trust of your customers, promote special and corporate events and festivals in Toronto then you need to seize the opportunity to get professionals in event marketing in Toronto


CMJ Entertainment Toronto helps Your Events Marketing in the Following Ways:

Branding and Awareness

A key reason for a business to participate in an event is to establish and build its brand. Event marketing allows your company to cultivate and express its identity firsthand. Through events, CMJ Entertainment will help you find the perfect venue to share your ideas and thoughts in the exact manner you want to present them.

Lead Generation

Another important reason why you have to choose CMJ Entertainment Toronto participate in an event is to generate leads and what better way to do so than to be part of an event where your target demographic is present? The right event allows your company to interact with a group of prospects that already have an interest in why you are and what you do.

Customer Engagement

Events offer an unparalleled level of customer engagement, with an opportunity for positive personal interaction that builds loyalty. Plus, every marketer knows that companies саn realize the biggest ROI on their marketing dollars by retaining and growing existing customers. The challenge is to gain the attention of your customers amid the distractions of daily work. At CMJ Entertainment, we can help you to upsell customers by introducing them to products and services that they may not know about—or may not realize could address their needs.


Some Of the Events we will help you to Market

Online Events

We can help you connect presenters and participants through a web-based interface. Common types of online events include webinars, virtual events, and live streaming events. Online events are often less costly than in-person events and саn enable you to reach easily geographically dispersed audience.


Webinars revolve around presentations, discussions, or workshops that are delivered via the web. They can happen in real-time or on-demand, and typically last from 30-60 minutes. Real-time webinars enable interaction among participants, provide the opportunity to receive and discuss information on a topic that is presented through web-based conferencing tools. Real-time webinars саn be interactive on many levels and typically allow attendees to ask questions directly to presenters. CMJ Entertainment can make that webinar and new technology marketing successful.

Social Media Events

Social media events enable individuals in different locations to participate in a virtual environment that has the look and feel of an offline event, by combining education, networking, and interactive features. Participants visit social media pages or groups’ where they саn collect materials, meet the staff, ask questions, and even pick up some virtual swag. These programs tend to happen in real-time for all participants.


We can help you bring company-specific marketing events that gather attendees for the purpose of delivering information such as a user summit. These events tend to be on the larger side, and are held by companies’ for training or educational purposes.


The term seminar is usually used to describe smaller meetings, roadshows, or field events. Some seminars are set up similar to a classroom lecture, where an expert shares information with the audience in a traditional more formal style. We can help you to make that seminar memorable.

Corporate and Special Events

These are typically smaller, more targeted events. They саn be both customer and prospect focused. These events are usually very intimate with 8-10 people, or саn be larger with 50 or more attendees. For the smaller functions, these tend to be high level and provide executives a private setting for networking.  CMJ Entertainment Toronto is good at making those corporate and special events memorable.